I'd like to show a neat use of arrows for pretty printing an AST.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Function (fix)
import qualified Control.Category as C
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import qualified Control.Arrow as A
import Control.Arrow ((***), (<+>))
Suppose you had defined a type of syntax trees and wanted to write a function to print their representations as code:
data Expr = Var String
| Abs String Expr
| App Expr Expr deriving Show
A First Attempt
A first attempt might look something like this:
pretty1 :: Expr -> String
pretty1 (Var v) = v
pretty1 (Abs v e) = "\\" ++ v ++ " -> " ++ pretty1 e
pretty1 (App e1 e2) = "(" ++ pretty1 e1 ++ ") (" ++ pretty1 e2 ++ ")"
This certainly generates valid code, but the resulting strings tend to contain a lot of redundant parentheses:
ghci> let s = Abs "x" $
Abs "y" $
Abs "z" $
App (App (Var "x") (Var "z"))
(App (Var "y") (Var "z"))
ghci> pretty1 s
"\\x -> \\y -> \\z -> ((x) (z)) ((y) (z))"
A Better Approach
Another approach is to thread the current precedence level as an argument, and to parenthesize as a last resort:
type Precedence = Int
pretty2 :: Expr -> String
pretty2 = pretty2' 0
pretty2' :: Precedence -> Expr -> String
pretty2' _ (Var v) = v
pretty2' p (Abs v e) | p < 2 = "\\" ++ v ++ " -> " ++ pretty2' 0 e
pretty2' p (App e1 e2) = pretty2' 1 e1 ++ " " ++ pretty2' p e2
pretty2' _ e = "(" ++ pretty2' 0 e ++ ")"
We can verify that this approach generates better code, and that the precedence rules are still respected:
ghci> pretty2 s
"\\x -> \\y -> \\z -> x z (y z)"
ghci> let k = App (Abs "x" $ Var "x") (Abs "x" $ Var "x")
ghci> pretty2 k
"(\\x -> x) (\\x -> x)"
These approaches are fine, but as the complexity of the AST type increases, I find it harder to keep the various precedence relationships in mind.
First Class Patterns
Arrows provide a way to express pattern matches as first class values in a simple way, and then to compose those patterns to create full pretty printers.
First class patterns and their use in pretty printing are not new ideas: interested readers might like to take a look at the following papers for more information:
- "Type-safe pattern combinators (Functional Pearl)" by Morten Rhiger
- "Invertible Syntax Descriptions: Unifying Parsing and Pretty Printing" by Tillmann Rendel and Klaus Ostermann
However, I think the use of arrows provides a novel way to build up patterns into complex pretty printers.
The really neat thing is that almost all of the required code can be derived using GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
Here is the definition of a Pattern
as an Arrow
. It takes a value of type a
, and either matches successfully, returning a value of type b
, or fails. Failure is modelled using the Kleisli category for the Maybe
newtype Pattern a b = Pattern { runPattern :: A.Kleisli Maybe a b }
deriving (C.Category, A.Arrow, A.ArrowZero, A.ArrowPlus)
pattern :: Pattern a b -> a -> Maybe b
pattern = A.runKleisli . runPattern
We can derive instances for Category
, Arrow
, ArrowZero
, and ArrowPlus
. The intuition here is that Category
gives us composition of patterns, i.e. nested patterns, Arrow
gives combinators for working with patterns involving tuples, and ArrowZero
and ArrowPlus
give us a way to deal with failure and backtracking.
Note: there is also an instance for Applicative
which gives another way to work with simultaneous patterns, but I won't write it out here.
One thing we can't immediately derive
is the Functor
instance for Pattern
, which will come in useful later. Fortunately, it is easy to write by hand
instance Functor (Pattern a) where
fmap f p = Pattern $ A.Kleisli $ fmap f . pattern p
Some Simple Patterns
Here are some examples of Pattern
var :: Pattern Expr String
var = Pattern $ A.Kleisli var'
where var' (Var s) = Just s
var' _ = Nothing
lam :: Pattern Expr (String, Expr)
lam = Pattern $ A.Kleisli abs'
where abs' (Abs s e) = Just (s, e)
abs' _ = Nothing
app :: Pattern Expr (Expr, Expr)
app = Pattern $ A.Kleisli app'
where app' (App e1 e2) = Just (e1, e2)
app' _ = Nothing
I imagine these are the sort of the thing one could write a Template Haskell splice for. They also seem quite similar to Prisms, which might provide another way to write this code.
Combining Patterns
Now we can write some combinators in the spirit of Text.Parsec
which allow us to build up new patterns from old, and to apply a pattern recursively:
chainl :: Pattern a (a, a) -> (r -> r -> r) -> Pattern a r -> Pattern a r
chainl split f p = fix $ \c -> (split >>> ((c <+> p) *** p) >>> A.arr (uncurry f))
chainr :: Pattern a (a, a) -> (r -> r -> r) -> Pattern a r -> Pattern a r
chainr split f p = fix $ \c -> (split >>> (p *** (c <+> p)) >>> A.arr (uncurry f))
wrap :: Pattern a (s, a) -> (s -> r -> r) -> Pattern a r -> Pattern a r
wrap split f p = fix $ \c -> (split >>> (C.id *** (c <+> p)) >>> A.arr (uncurry f))
Precedence Tables
In fact, we can go one step further and derive a pattern from a precedence table in the manner of Text.Parsec.Expr
data OperatorTable a r = OperatorTable { runOperatorTable :: [ [Operator a r] ] }
data Operator a r where
AssocL :: Pattern a (a, a) -> (r -> r -> r) -> Operator a r
AssocR :: Pattern a (a, a) -> (r -> r -> r) -> Operator a r
Wrap :: Pattern a (s, a) -> (s -> r -> r) -> Operator a r
buildPrettyPrinter :: OperatorTable a r -> Pattern a r -> Pattern a r
buildPrettyPrinter table p = foldl (\p' ops -> foldl1 (<+>) (flip map ops $ \op ->
case op of
AssocL pat g -> chainl pat g p'
AssocR pat g -> chainr pat g p'
Wrap pat g -> wrap pat g p'
) <+> p') p $ runOperatorTable table
We need one final function, which parenthesizes an expression:
parenthesize :: Pattern a String -> Pattern a String
parenthesize = fmap parens
parens s = '(':s ++ ")"
Finally ...
This gives us the parts we need to express our previous pretty printer as a Pattern
expr = buildPrettyPrinter ops (var <+> parenthesize expr)
ops = OperatorTable
[ [ AssocL app $ \e1 e2 -> e1 ++ " " ++ e2 ]
, [ Wrap lam $ \b s -> "\\" ++ b ++ " -> " ++ s ]
pattern3 :: Expr -> String
pattern3 = fromMaybe (error "Incomplete pattern match") . pattern expr
Note that, just like when we define parsers using Text.Parsec.Expr
, the use of combinators allows us to write code which directly represents the precedence table!
Example - Integer Expressions and Binary Operations
Here's another example, of expressions supporting integer constants and binary operators.
data Eqn = Const Int
| Bin Eqn Char Eqn deriving Show
con :: Pattern Eqn Int
con = Pattern $ A.Kleisli con'
where con' (Const n) = Just n
con' _ = Nothing
bin :: Char -> Pattern Eqn (Eqn, Eqn)
bin c = Pattern $ A.Kleisli bin'
where bin' (Bin e1 c' e2) | c == c' = Just (e1, e2)
bin' _ = Nothing
eqn = buildPrettyPrinter ops (fmap show con <+> parenthesize eqn)
ops = OperatorTable
[ [ binOp '*', binOp '/' ]
, [ binOp '+', binOp '-' ]
binOp c = AssocL (bin c) $ \e1 e2 -> e1 ++ c : e2
For yet another (more developed) example, see my current project on GitHub, here.